ziggy-22 Wrote:Just increase the water area for a tempory measure and you can have as much ocean as you want without any work on the map
try this.....BACK UP THE LOAD INI AND SAVE IT SOMEWHERE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now delete the contents of the load ini and replace it with this
ColorMap = map_c.tga
HeightMap = map_h.tga
SmallMap = map_M.tga
TypeMap = map_T.tga
FarMap = map_F.tga
ReflMap = map_R.tga
LandLight = LandLight.mat
CloudShadows = CloudShadows.mat
OutsideMapCell = 28
tile tile.mat
sizeX 500000
sizeY 500000
ofsX 000000
ofsY 000000
Down = Cube_bott.tga
East = Cube_right.tga
North = Cube_front.tga
South = Cube_back.tga
Up = Cube_top.tga
West = Cube_left.tga
Wood0 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood0.tga
Wood1 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood1.tga
Wood2 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood2.tga
Wood3 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood3.tga
Wood4 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood4.tga
WoodMask2 = forest/summer/ForestMask.tga
WoodMask3 = forest/summer/ForestMask2.tga
WoodMiniMasks = forest/summer/MiniMask.tga
SideWood = forest/summer/ForestSide.tga
HighClouds = sk_Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = sk_CloudsNoise.tga
// CloudsMap = CloudMap4x4km.tga
Moon = Moon\Moon0000.tga
ShadeNoise = land/Noise.tga
WaterNoise = water/WaterNoise.tga
WaterNoiseAnimStart = Water/Animated/WaterNoise00.tga
ForestNoise= forest/summer/ListForestNoise.tga
BeachFoam = water/Foam.tga
BeachSurf = water/BeachSurf.tga
BeachLand = water/RiverLand.tga
Tree0 = Trees\AlteredBush8a.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga
Water = water/Water.tga
Rail = land/summer/sk_Rail
Road = land/summer/Road
Highway = land/summer/Road
LowLand0 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Terra10.tga,2
LowLand1 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Cola.tga
LowLand2 = ZaPolar/MIXX_Norge_Gorie2.tga
LowLand3 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Terra7.tga,2
MidLand0 = ZaPolar/Mixx_BesGorrieLES26.tga
MidLand1 = ZaPolar/Mixx_BOLOTO.tga
MidLand2 = ZaPolar/Mixx_TOP2.tga
MidLand3 = ZaPolar/AVALA.tga
Mount0 = ZaPolar/relief_lesRavninaLES37.tga
Mount1 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Norge_TOP.tga
Mount2 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Motovski_Coast.tga
Mount3 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Terra7.tga
Country0 =ZaPolar/Mixx_Luostaari.tga
Country1 = ZaPolar/Mixx_BesGorrieLES26.tga
Country2 = ZaPolar/Mixx_TOP.tga
Country3 =
City0 = ZaPolar/Dcountry.tga,2
City1 = ZaPolar/Mixx_SELO.tga
City2 = ZaPolar/Murmansk11.tga
City3 =
AirField0= ZaPolar/Mixx_Hebykten.tga
AirField1= ZaPolar/Mixx_Vaenga.tga
AirField2= ZaPolar/Mixx_Shongui.tga
AirField3= ZaPolar/Mixx_Airfield77.tga
Wood0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/macchia_neu5.tga,2
Wood1 =
Wood2 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/ItaWood_far.tga,2
Wood3 =
Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
Water2 = ZaPolar/Mixx_Cola.tga
Water3 = ZaPolar/Mixx_BEREGGG4.tga
your artic map now sits in the corner of a big ocean map with all objects and textures (and water textures ) in might do for now
All thats needed now is Mixxs permission and some bright spark with map building experience to continue the land mass along the bottom to the right hand corner of the map
and colour the whole water area in the opening map to the same as that in Mixxs map (you'll see what i mean when you first open your map)
Hi, if i took the new config and put it on a new load file, lets say, "wload.ini", and then i add a new entry to the all.ini, should i not be able to have two versions of the same map?
One small thing i noticed when you add the extra water, when you are flying over it your heads up map becomes transparent, you can still see all the map info but its like your map is made of glass and you can clearly see the game through it. I kind of like that effect and its because the water isn't part of the origanal map, not sure if anything can be done to correct this.
This is the most beautiful map that I have flown on yet. Thank you for all the hard work. I fly offline only and have been testing this map with Ultra Pack 2.0. So far no problems with loading or saving missions. However, when AI planes try to land at the airfields they either disappear or taxi around on the ground until they crash into something and explode. Is there something that could be done to allow the planes to taxi to a parking spot and stop?
There is a new version available. You can DL it from SAS site or from Aviaskins. I haven't fully tested that version, but i quess at least most of the bugs have been fixed,
I've tried mixx_Zapolar and mixx_Zapolar'e with the same results. Tried big planes and little planes. 1 at a time and 4 at a time. 3 different airfields. same same same BTW looking forward to your update of KT_Svir. Had lots of fun with the first one. Tried aviaskins and sas. Both down.
Another thing with this map is that it overwrites a lot of Objects without warning. I now have grassy tracks running through the desert around El Alamein, for example. Mixx's altered Objects need to be added as a separate group in the static.ini, like those of Canon's and other modders.
Thanks Kapteeni for all of your support with this issue. I downloaded and installed from the last link you gave me but still have airfield problems. Perhaps someone else could try to duplicate my tests to check results. Using the Luostari airfield, located south of Petsamo, have 4 Bf-109's take off, circle around, and land at the same airfield. Start mission, autopilot on, planes take off. Upon landing, the first plane(player) taxis to the end of the runway, turns left and goes a short way then turns hard right, crosses back over the runway and continues until crashing into a revetment. All other planes land and disappear mid-runway. I tried to get the planes to land or take off in different directions with no luck. All that I am seeing seems to fit right with what Thrud has posted about airfield design. Other than setting up into full map making mode I see no easy fixes. I'm apprehensive about changing the map and causing other problems. Any other ideas? I truly admire the quality of the map but the limited functionality at the airfield level is so frustrating.
I downloaded the new update for this map that Kapteeni provided - many thanks.
I see there are new objects included, the trees especially look to be very promising. Trees may not be fancy stuff but they are quite essential for making nice looking maps.
Anyway, I don't find any lines to add to the static.ini for these objects. I don't think these new objects will work without new lines.
Does anybody know anything about installing the new objects?
I'm not really very concerned with updating the Zapolar map. It's very nice as it is.
But it would be great to have new objects, especially trees to use in other maps.
But the thing is, how does one go about creating the entries for the static.ini? Here is an example of one of Fabianfred's trees.
Title TreeBamboo
MeshLive 3do/Tree/Bamboo/live.sim
Body WoodMiddle
Panzer 0.50
While I pretty much think to understand that you can fill in whatever you like for 'Title' and that MeshLive seems to be the path to the live.sim of that object, and that there is no meshdead, the other entries elude my understanding.
Where do i find the 'Body' entry, what values does one use for Panzer, and most important, how do I determine what to put on the very first line between [ ....]