08.02.2008, 05:10
CrazySchmidt -- I've got to ask, What's the chance of the new maps being incorporated into MissionMate?
asheshouse Wrote:CrazySchmidt -- I've got to ask, What's the chance of the new maps being incorporated into MissionMate?
Trooper117 Wrote:Will that mean two versions of Mission Mate? Or will there be a switch between mods on and mods off facility?
Trooper117 Wrote:C'mon, conscience has nothing to do with it.. With 5000 plus members and the chance to finaly see what this game is capable of a dream is being realised here.. This should have happened a long time ago. You can't but help thinking that the maddox team must be absolutely kicking themselves. Think of all that extra revenue they could have made, because you and I know we would have all payed for this stuff! :mrgreen:
letchik Wrote:Sicilia. Gela. :wink: