Me109 All-Holes-Solved Mod with Me109-F4 Mistel


I like to install the FM file for obtain the F4 Mistel separated from the complete cockpit mod; if I install only the FM file did I have this or I need to delete some of them?


IL2/MODS/ME109AHS/3DO with plane and cockpit folder only
IL2/MODS/ME109MISTEL with the FM files (005E548034BFD25C and all the others)

I made this request because if possible I prefere to install the cockpit and plane improved files in a separate folder.





Hows about an update for the "holes" for the 109F-2/B and F4/B and trop models already available?

That would be welcome, thanks.

Muas Wrote:Hello.

Hows about an update for the "holes" for the 109F-2/B and F4/B and trop models already available?

That would be welcome, thanks.

I understand your request sir,but my work will have some kind of an *enormous piece of software* shape. Smile

I hope you'd understand that i can' t work on my project *and* redo the work made by others concerning the K14 or the F4 jabos... :?

Be patient.You'll appreciate the result 8)

Thanks Wink


Hey, HunInTheSun. First off, great work! I have *all* your updates.

In applying your mods, I came up with a few ideas, not sure if they've been mentioned before...

I love the different variants/options for the G6s/G10s/G14s, so I set up a mod folder so I could enable and disable them at will. Then, I came up with my first idea. I labelled the folder containing the G6 Erla canopy mod:

\MODS\Bf-109G-6 (Erla) - Erla canopy with classic tail\3DO\plane\Bf-109G-6Early(fi)

....and the folder for the tall tail G6 mod:

\MODS\Bf-109G-6 Mid - Classic canopy with Tall tail\3DO\plane\Bf-109G-6Early(sk)

As you may know, there are seperate files for these planes and they may have different skins for these nations (fi) = Finland, (sk) Slovakia.

However, by renaming the mod folders, it applies the mods only to the aircraft when you select them in the arming screen! So I can have a 'normal' German G6Early, then when I click on the Finnish AF, it has an Erla canopy. When I click on the Slovakian AF, it has a tall tail. The only problem is getting the cockpit to show the erla hood for the Finnish G6 Early. Any ideas?

My second method as to take the 'Aces' planes, and use them. There are 5 G6s (Hartmann, Graf, Molnar, Kovacs, Heppes), and one G10 (Fabian). So I applied the mods to their aircraft, and it works! Therefore I have the normal 'G10', and the G10 'ofFabian' for your late G10 mod.

Again though, the cockpits don't show up nicely - there are visual errors. Also, the markings don't show up properly for a few of them. The national marking show up, but not numbers. Do you know where the files are that apply markings for aircraft?

Obviously, for the aces, I change the names in i.e from 'Fabian', to 'G10 Late' etc. It would be great if their cockpits worked properly!

Anyway, nice work!


Sorry to bother you but....any answer for me?




Hi thanks for your hard work,it makes big difference. Are you gonna fix the Emils?

Please can someone advise me whether there is another download site for the "holes-fix" - Rapidshare doesn't want to let me download the file (they want me to pay to become a premium user) and Filefront doesn't appear to have this file anymore.

Thanks in anticipation.

Hi Guys.

Muas,walter_solito,your requests are interesting but i'm not totally a modding machine :lol:

I maintain my *Geheim* objectives and think that most of your requests will disappear themselves when the AHSv2 will go out,at least i hope. Wink

mungee Wrote:Please can someone advise me whether there is another download site for the "holes-fix" - Rapidshare doesn't want to let me download the file (they want me to pay to become a premium user) and Filefront doesn't appear to have this file anymore.

Thanks in anticipation.

Hi Mungee,

FileFront is now about to close (see here)

But RapidShare is still there and proposes TWO download options:

The premium one indeed,

But there is also the Free One,that will simply demands to you to wait 40sec. :!:

So simply be patient for 40 seconds. :lol:


Thank you "HunInTheSun" ... and thank you for sharing your mods with the IL-2 community!

HunInTheSun Wrote:Hi Guys.

......walter_solito,your requests are interesting but i'm not totally a modding machine :lol:


Sorry to bother you but there is a missunderstanding between us!

I'm not requesting any mod or work ad hoc from you , I'm only asking if is possible to separate the Mistel F4 from the other by install your mod in two separate folders , one with the plane and cockpit folder inside and the other with FM files only?

Thanks and Regards



Thanks man!!

I love 109!

You just complicate this mods

Im having errors

No cocpit in sim

HunInTheSun Wrote:But RapidShare is still there and proposes TWO download options:

The premium one indeed,

But there is also the Free One,that will simply demands to you to wait 40sec. :!:

So simply be patient for 40 seconds. :lol:


Hi dude!

I would love to try this mod, but alas, what you say is not strictly true. RapEdshare has now made it a policy to block almost all free download attemtps to force signups. This already raises serious quiestions about the integrity of any files anyway, not to mention their business ethic, so one is susicious of sighning up anyway! While I have heard of people sometimes getting allowed to make a free download (after waiting the new 60 seconds, not 40) from them, it has never happened me in 6 months of trying from different computers. So, technically speaking, I also think it is not right for people to pay someone else so they can download YOUR software. I hope they at least give you a cut, but personally, I will not touch rapEdshare with a virtual stick Smile

Hopefully one day this mod will be available form a legitimate host, I look forward to trying it. Screenshots look awesome.

HunInTheSun Wrote:Hi Mungee,

FileFront is now about to close (see here)


O yes, about that. Filefront is NOT closing. See
I realy hope with all my heart that this mod can soon again be found at filefront or something similar, so the half of all people here hwo CANNOT get into rapeshare, can also try it out. :?

Thanx man!

Question - How can I install the AHS in the 109F Jabo and Trop Mod?


1) Disable my version of Freddy's pit

2) Go to the MODS/Cockpits Bf109 Mod/3do/Cocpit/Bf-109F-2/ folder (whaterver version you have), find the file named hier and make a copy of it;

3) rename the copy as f4pit save and open the game. Go to the QMB and select one of the new F4's. If all went good, you should now be able to use them (still no armor glass visible).

4) For armor glass, open the f4pit file, find the section [Z_ArmorGlass1] and delete the word Hidden:

Mesh Z_ArmorGlass1
Parent _ROOT_
Hidden ------ delete this line

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