Modded maps compatibility.

vpmedia Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:...guys, using other people's static.ini files isn't good idea (different systems, mods, destruction data ....)

get yourself default static.ini ( up with 4.09b1m objects) and learn how to update it for new mods


ok, but if I want to use the destruction mod (which I like a lot) then I need to keep that static.ini (+ other ini files)

for example I cannot install the ShipPack because that ini files arent compatible with the destruction mod so I think the right solution would be to make later mods compatible with it or at least an optional sub-version

well , that is for mod creators to decide .... BTW, destruction mod needs thorough update regarding wrapper and new files structure ( ufJosse's one anyway .... )

Hopefully all future mods will have same structure (\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\static.ini) ...


Sorry, I wasnt clear enough Smile

What I'm asking is to make your works compatible with the destruction mod (Lal Rone & FabianFreds work) which is kinda basic mod...

vpmedia Wrote:Sorry, I wasnt clear enough Smile

What I'm asking is to make your works compatible with the destruction mod (Lol Rone & FabianFreds work) which is kinda basic mod...

can't be done .... cos of new files structure

all "old" mods should get updated to match it ..... i believe FC's new ship mod will respect new structure ... probably fabianfred will edit his destruction accordingly

AFAIK it's OK to add new features to an existing xx.ini .

Double entries in Chiefs, stationary,ships and technics MUST be avoided. clones are possible.
(ask FC about moving vehicle ,train and ship clones)

Problems only arise when there are "rival" .ini files in your install in different folders (obviously with a common location in STD this will not happen anymore).

vpmedia Wrote:Sorry, I wasnt clear enough Smile

What I'm asking is to make your works compatible with the destruction mod (Lol Rone & FabianFreds work) which is kinda basic mod...

Question is how to do it. If we follow your logic than I should add ShipPack to destruction mod and than next guy will have to add his mod to previous mods etc. But what if other people are not using some mods?

In the end I would have to make dozen versions of ini files to cover all possibilities.

Another problem is who is supposed to make adjustment between the mods. Fabianfred made his destruction mod, I added new ships. If you want to use both mods who is supposed to adjust new ships to use same destruction model as old ones?

IMO best approach would be if moders can make agreement and than make megapacks which will contain few mods in one pack.


What if all modders were to add //comment with initials aside any lines they add or edit values in.

moveType TRAIN
USSR_CivilTrainA objects.trains.Train 1 icons/train.mat
USSR_Elec objects.trains.Train 1 icons/train.mat //FIS extra train
USSR_FuelTrain/AA objects.trains.Train 1 icons/train.mat
USSR_CargoTrain objects.trains.Train 1 icons/train.mat

IMO it would help with merges and de-bugging.

@FC can you confirm there are no static.ini changes with your ship packs?

FC Wrote:IMO best approach would be if moders can make agreement and than make megapacks which will contain few mods in one pack.

I believe thats the intent of this thread.

FC Wrote:
vpmedia Wrote:Sorry, I wasnt clear enough Smile

What I'm asking is to make your works compatible with the destruction mod (Lol Rone & FabianFreds work) which is kinda basic mod...

Question is how to do it. If we follow your logic than I should add ShipPack to destruction mod and than next guy will have to add his mod to previous mods etc. But what if other people are not using some mods?

In the end I would have to make dozen versions of ini files to cover all possibilities.

Another problem is who is supposed to make adjustment between the mods. Fabianfred made his destruction mod, I added new ships. If you want to use both mods who is supposed to adjust new ships to use same destruction model as old ones?

IMO best approach would be if moders can make agreement and than make megapacks which will contain few mods in one pack.


damage mod adjustments to new ships are up to you, I'm ok with the possibility that youre not in the mood to do extra work Wink

for the merging of ini's it would be ok for me if you could post a txt with your stuff to add to my ships.ini, etc because currently I'm not 100% sure what to add and you know these things the best


Fisneaky Wrote:@FC can you confirm there are no static.ini changes with your ship packs?

Correct, ShipPack doesn't use static.ini.

vpmedia Wrote:damage mod adjustments to new ships are up to you, I'm ok with the possibility that youre not in the mood to do extra work Wink

for the merging of ini's it would be ok for me if you could post a txt with your stuff to add to my ships.ini, etc because currently I'm not 100% sure what to add and you know these things the best

This is not about extra work, it's about consistency of the work. Destruction mod is just different view on damage model of objects. When people made these mods they used some criteria to decide damage.

Ships in ship pack also have damage model but the one I decided to give them, problem is that my damage model and Fabians doesn't have to be the same and he don't know what I had in mind and I don't know what he thought while making his mod.

If we want consistent damage model for all of the ships we must reach some sort of agreement. That's the whole point.

For example I made ship wrecks invulnerable so you can't sink them, if you change that you have ruined whole concept behind these ships.

In ShipPack1 all parts that belong to ShipPack in stationary,ships,chief and technics.ini are marked with ShipPack Start and ShipPack End.

Some files have more than one ShipPack section.

If you copy all of the marked parts to files from other mods you will be able to play both mods.


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