Error Message in New Maps

I've been doing some checking of the error message I get when a map won't load, using the command.

I seem to get a constant message of files not found and not loaded. It concerns the files


Of course I've done several searches on my disks and inside my numerous copies of different versions of IL2 and nowhere can my search come up with any results, not even in my version of 4.091b in which the Slovakia and MTO maps work!

This strikes me as odd and somehow contradictory. In any case, I was wondering if anyone knows where to find/download any of these tga files?

agracier Wrote:I've been doing some checking of the error message I get when a map won't load, using the command.

I seem to get a constant message of files not found and not loaded. It concerns the files


Of course I've done several searches on my disks and inside my numerous copies of different versions of IL2 and nowhere can my search come up with any results, not even in my version of 4.091b in which the Slovakia and MTO maps work!

This strikes me as odd and somehow contradictory. In any case, I was wondering if anyone knows where to find/download any of these tga files?

those are default 4.09b1m map files located in game fb_maps_XX.sfs files .... are you sure you have properly patched 4.09b1m version ?


those are default 4.09b1m map files located in game fb_maps_XX.sfs files .... are you sure you have properly patched 4.09b1m version ?


I can fly around in my 4.09b1m version of the game, certainly in the Slovakia and MTO maps and others included in the update. All the planes fly and I can't find anything wrong at all in the game so far, except that none of the newly made maps, like Sinai, Spain, Alpen, EastAfrica, BurmaLower, Phillipines, OJ show up in the choice menu of 'load map' in FMB.

And yes, I have all the lines for these maps added in the all.ini file, I've checked and rechecked umpteen times, all the necessary folders for these maps are in the MODS folder as well. In fact, I've the feeling that I spend more time trying to get these maps to work than I do flying around in the game itself ...

So for a short answer, yup, I am certain I have the properly patched 4.09bim version.

But you've given me an idea to check out first ... thanks.

agracier Wrote:And yes, I have all the lines for these maps added in the all.ini file, I've checked and rechecked umpteen times, all the necessary folders for these maps are in the MODS folder as well.

Hi agracier,
To my way of thinking if you have all the entries in your all.ini file and they don't show in FMB, that would suggest to me that you have 2 all.ini files and the game is reading the one you have not edited.

Also you say all the maps are in the appropriate MODS folder, did you mean MODS/mapmods/maps folder? That is where they should be, eg the Sinai map should be in the MODS/mapmods/maps/dlv_Sinai folder. Also check that your all.ini file is in the MODS/mapmods/maps folder.



Thanks again, but I've checked that I have only one all.ini file in my Mods/mapmods/maps directory.

There are other all.ini files in my version of Il2 4.09 though, such as in training, users, mission/campaign and campaign/ro

But only one all.ini in the Mapmods ...

Maybe I will try renaming the others and see what happens ...

I have them too, so they shouldn't be causing the problem, can you post the contents of your all.ini file, it may give a clue.




Never thought of posting the contents of the all.ini.

Here it is:

AP_Ukraine AP_Ukraine/load.ini
AP_Ukraine_W AP_Ukraine/load_w.ini
Ardennes_S Ardennes/sload.ini
Ardennes_W Ardennes/wload.ini
Balaton Balaton/load.ini
Balaton_winter Balaton/load_w.ini
Basserabia Bessarabia/load.ini
Berlin Berlin/load.ini
Burma Burma/load.ini
BurmaLower BurmaLower/load.ini
zip_Alpen zip_Alpen/zip_Alpen_load.ini
Chichi Chichi/load.ini
CoralSea CoralSea/load.ini
CoralSeaOnline CoralSea/Online_load.ini
CoralSeaOnline2 CoralSea/2_load.ini
Crimea Crimea/load.ini
dlc_SpainSW dlc_SpainSW/dlc_load.ini
dlv_Sinai dlv_Sinai/load.ini
Empty1a Empty1a/load.ini
Empty1a_Winter Empty1a_Winter/load.ini
Empty1b Empty1b/load.ini
Empty1b_Winter Empty1b_Winter/load.ini
Empty2a Empty2a/load.ini
Empty2a_Winter Empty2a_Winter/load.ini
Empty2b Empty2b/load.ini
Empty2b_Winter Empty2b_Winter/load.ini
Empty4a Empty4a/load.ini
Empty4b Empty4b/load.ini
ffb_Thailand ffb_Thailand/load.ini
FinsGulf FinsGulf/load.ini
Guadal Guadal/load.ini
GuadalE Guadal/eload.ini
Hawaii Hawaii/load.ini
HB_Hokkaido Summer HB_Hokkaido/load.ini
HB_Hokkaido Winter HB_Hokkaido/wload.ini
HB_PacificIslands HB_PacificIslands/load.ini
IasiOnline Bessarabia/load_Iasi.ini
It_new_italy_DF It_new_italy_DF/It_load.ini
Iwo Iwo/load.ini
IwoOnine Iwo/Online_load.ini
KhalkhinGol KhalkhinGol/load.ini
Kiev Kiev/load.ini
Kt_eastafrica Kt_eastafrica/load.ini
Kt_eastafrica Kt_eastafrica/load.ini
Kt_finsgulf finsgulf/Kt_load.ini
Kt_finsgulf_W finsgulf/Kt_load_W.ini
Kuban Kuban/load.ini
Kurland_Autumn Kurland/load.ini
Kurland_Autumn_online Kurland/load_online.ini
Kurland_Winter Kurland/wload.ini
Kurland_Winter_online Kurland/wload_online.ini
Kursk Kursk/load.ini
Kyushu Japan1/load.ini
Lvov Lviv/load.ini
Manchuria Manchuria/load.ini
Marianas Marianas/load.ini
MarianasOnline Marianas/Online_load.ini
Midway Midway/load.ini
Moscow Moscow/load.ini
mrz_Malta mrz_Malta/mrz_load.ini
mrz_Malta_high mrz_Malta/mrz_load_high.ini 
mrz_Malta_medium mrz_Malta/mrz_load_medium.ini
MTO MTO/load.ini
Murmansk murmansk/load.ini
MurmanskSummer MurmanskS/load.ini
Net1Summer Net1Summer/load.ini
Net1Winter Net1Winter/load.ini
Net2Summer Net2Summer/load.ini
Net2Winter Net2Winter/load.ini
Net3Summer Net3Summer/load.ini
Net5Summer Net5Summer/load.ini
Net6Island Net6Island/load.ini
Net7Islands Net7Islands/load.ini
Net8Islands Net8Islands/load.ini
Net8Islands_v2 Net8Islands/load_v2.ini
NetIslands NetIslands/load.ini
NetMountains Netmountains/load.ini
NewGuinea NewGuinea/load.ini
Normandy1 Normandy/load2.ini
Normandy2 Normandy/load.ini
Normandy3 Normandy/load1.ini
Norway Norway/load.ini
NTL_Darwin_Small NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini
NTL_Darwin_Small NTLDarwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini
NWEurope NWEurope/load.ini
OdessaOnline Bessarabia/load_Odessa.ini
Okinawa Okinawa/load.ini
OkinawaOnline Okinawa/Online_load.ini
OnlineDesert desert/load.ini
OnlineItaly Italy_DF/load.ini
Palau Palau/load.ini
PalauOnline Palau/Online_load.ini
Prokhorovka Prokhorovka/load.ini
RD_Malvinas RD_Malvinas/RD_load.ini
SandsOfTime SandsOfTime/load.ini
Sinai dlv_Sinai/load.ini
Singapore singapore/load.ini
Singapore2 singapore/load2.ini
Slovakia Slovakia/load.ini
SlovakiaOnline Slovakia/load_Online.ini
Smolensk Smolensk/load.ini
Stgrad Stgrad/load.ini
SummerMoscow Moscow/sload.ini
SummerStgrad Stgrad/sload.ini
Tarawa Tarawa/load.ini
The_Slot_01-44 Slot/load_0144.ini
The_Slot_07-43 Slot/load_0743.ini
The_Slot_08-42 Slot/load_0842.ini
The_Slot_10-42 Slot/load_1042.ini
The_Slot_10-43 Slot/load_1043.ini
The_Slot_12-42 Slot/load_1242.ini
vol_ItalyAfricaGreece vol_ItalyAfricaGreece/vol_ita_load.ini
vol_Sardegna vol_Sardegna/vol_load.ini
Wake Wake/load.ini
WinterFinsGulf FinsGulf/load_w.ini

Nothing wrong there - copied the contents to my all.ini and all maps showed in FMB list, even though I don't have some of your maps installed.

OK let's go back to basics, if you are using a desktop shortcut, is it pointing to your modded install? Might sound silly but I've done things like that :lol:

Can you post a screenshot of your file structure - upload to somewhere like photobucket and post link here - obviously the game is not reading your mapmods/maps/all.ini file, we just gotta work out why :roll:

EDIT: - there's a little square in front of the vol_italyafricagreece line - remove it, didn't cause me a problem but I have seen it cause probs with others.



Can you post a screenshot of your file structure

I will be gone for the next 2 days, but when i get back will do so ... many thanks again

Here we go;
First one is overall structure;
[Image: overall.jpg]

Now Mods folder - had to cut it into 3 so that it could be read;
[Image: mods1.jpg]
[Image: mods2.jpg]
[Image: mods3.jpg]

Now mapmods folder;
[Image: mapmods.jpg]

Check that against what you have and let us know.



Hi, back after 2 days in an out-of-internet area.

Anyway, from the above screenshots I'd really have to say that my structure is identical, except that there are a few different folders in the maps section. Otherwise everything is the same, structure-wise anyway.

Anyway, I am going to try out a few things. And probably get a new chip and attending hardware, a quad core (yes - especially for the game) and that will involve a new install of a 64 bit system anyway and a whole new install of all my programs, including Il-2. Maybe that will be the solution.


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