... i think it's not a CTD or non saving error problem .... game will just load same object mesh for both objects .... but i can't tell for sure
My idea was based on the fact that you can't account for everything nor for the myriad of ways individuals think, so instead AAA would establish a protocol in the same way they established a file structure.
All future creators would use this protocol to create their files so they would integrate properly. (older objects would have to be reworked to match the new protocol if someone wanted to do so.)
I love FC and LAL_RONES work and recognize that until something is worked out their work will not get the wide distribution it deserves.
regardless thanks for even considering this.
Ok, i've finished the program and i'll just explain what it is doing for a combination of a line in the 'Z_AutoLoader.ini' file:
1) Line = \Mods\MyMod\Ini Files\blablaAdd.txt;*;\Static\static.ini;*;
The program will load inFile and then go through outFile. It will search for existing sections in outFile and add them only NEW lines. Sections that are not in outFile but are in inFile will be added at the bottom of the outFile.
2) Line = \Mods\MyMod\Ini Files\blablaAdd.txt;*;\Static\static.ini;[Middle];
Program load inFile and ignores section names IF there exists [Middle] section in out file. This file will receive only NEW content of the sections in inFile. But, if outFile has no [Middle]section, program goes through outFile and compares sections in that file and inFile. Matching sections in outFile receive NEW lines only, remaining sections are appended at the end of the outFile.
3) Line = \Mods\MyMod\Ini Files\blablaAdd.txt;[Start];\Static\static.ini;[Middle];
Content of [Start] section in inFile is added to [Middle] section in outFile. Only NEW lines are added. If the [Middle] section does not exists, program checks if outFile has [Start] section and adds NEW lines only to it. If it does not exist the [Start] section is appended at the end of the program.
4) Line = \Mods\MyMod\Ini Files\blablaAdd.txt;[Start];\Static\static.ini;*;
This line tells the program to copy [Start] section in inFile to the bottom of outFile but the program checks if the [Start] section is in outFile and does what was mention before. If there is no such section in outFile, new one is created at the end of it.
In short, this is it. As you can see i removes "copySectionName" parameter from the instruction line as it is not needed anymore. The program logic figures it by itself.
How does this sound? I'll uplad the program in the evening as from my current location i can not access rapidshare.
... looks good ( if i've got it correctly :wink: )
now, agreed default location for static.ini file is: MODS\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\static.ini
so can you configure tool to search there for out file ( or installs default one if not present ) and update it there ?
many thanks for this
Wilco this weekend
thank you
sorry - personal business came up this weekend and was unable to test