News from Team_SVIR: New Betaversion available 23.11

lowfighter Wrote:Damit, I solved it starting with your suggestion using FMB map mode. I still don't understand but here it is what I did lol:
Opened the map in FMB map mode. Selected one of those shabby houses you placed on the map. Clicked insert and have this way one more shabby house on the map. Saved. Exit and replaced the original actors with the saved one. Went to normal FMB and this time mission saved ok. This is very idiotic, i need that smiley i used always on ubi, the guy smashing his head with his hammer (I asked the admins for getting that smiley and got no response, very sad)
Anyway, nice i have it and expect some critical impressions soon :lol:
Confusedhock: That is really odd. Anyways, problem solved. The actors.static might have been corrupted during packing it to RAR. What a relief. It is a helluva work to populate whole map again and i'm glad that i dont had to do it again.
If others have same problem, they can use this method to solve this out. And for those who dont have Exctended FMB, i can make new actors.static.
I,ll wait your critical impressions ... :twisted: :wink:


got the campaigns, thanks Poltava!

There is now a third campaign ready, in the BETA stage, for this map. It is called "F19 - Swedish Volunteers in the Winter War". You can find more info here:


[Image: F19-wip19.jpg]


Sorry, but link does not work. Isn't there any spelling mistake, please?

Uzin Wrote:Sorry, but link does not work. Isn't there any spelling mistake, please?
I just tried and it works. Please try again. If that fails, send PM with your email and you will recieve it via email.

I have good news and bad news.

Bad news is that i been messed my IL2 so maps that i been making are incompetent with many of you. I must reinstall IL2 and populate SVIR map from scratch.
I,m sorry about all the troubles that i might caused!

Good news is that this my last "official" map. From now on i shall make maps only for my self or if somebody wants to try them ,i can provide them as they are here in MAPS WIP section.

There is just too many different mods out here that can cause troubles. Cloud this, texture that, static.ini this, actros.static that. I cant handle all this anymore.

I think i can make new version of SVIR in few days, because i can copy most of the objects from templates that i made. Stay tuned!


It's not "incompetent" it's "incompatible" :lol:
You came with some "bad news" and with some "good news". To me the "good news" are that you continue to do maps! Because you have the TALENT Big Grin

Yes, I agree with lowfighter: I understand that it's tough when you run into these difficulties, but hang in there: the community needs your map making talent!

please look into your PM inbox.
Ivan Uzin

Maybe i was pissed off. I had a bad day :oops: Thank you for calming me down. This is not the end of the world.....
I installed Vanilla AAA Unified Installer Version 1.0 and of course SVIR didn't open. I could copy airfields from original SVIR maps and they are working fine. I even tried Poltavas campaign and it worked. So i have about 40% done allready. So it is just building towns and villages again. Bad thing is that there will be 2 versions, winter and summer. I hope i can copy/paste objects from summermap to wintermap without CTD...

I been also working with new map of Southern Finland and Fnnsgulf (With small part of Estonia) and that opened just fine in UI 1.0 and i could save missions. That was real good news, because i have made big cities in that map. And its way much bigger that SVIR map
Even map this side (SVIR) takes time. I been working with it about 1,5 month about 20+ hours/week and this is supposed to be only a hobby. Sheet, i think i'm a real nerd.

Stay tuned for Alpha version 31 :twisted:

Hi.. Smile

Ahh Kapteeni we all can get overworked.. and that svir map is very nice.. Confusedhock:
good knows how many nice missions that can be made for that map..
is there more finnish maps to make.. :?:
Even my FMB did CTD trying to open that second Hawk42 beta mission..
somekind of mod conflict.. :?:
Im going to close down mods to try to find out which mod..
im tired too been working 10-11 hour days last 3 mounhts.. Smile
Poltava can U look at that 2 hawk42 mission.. :?:

I have checked them and found no errors. And no other playtesters have had any problems with them.

I think your own theory is correct: you have some sort of MOD conflict, so the answer is in your own computer.

Quick news:
Uzin send his actors.static files. He has default AAA UI 1.0 version of game (like i do now too) and he did get his SVIR work. Mine works too. So i want ppl who have that version test my map. I will send new DL link tomorrow. I really hope that will work with others too :!:
Once again:
You need to have this to get it work
(The link is inoperative)
I cant quarantee that my map and i quess any of new maps will work with other versions of Modded 409m without problems. I believe that this is also the version that AAA admins/moderators uses for approving mapmods to official mapmods.

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