Seems to me like this is an historical mod, but ill not be able to test it until March...
...anyway, just have some questions.
-Is possible to make the AI to disengange from combats and not stay forever. ? (Of course if they have a chance to escape)
-In the same way, can AI be more cautious in the enganging?, like, if they are not in a favorable position, they will try to refuse the fighting.
-For the escorts, if you go near the bombers, the escorts engage, but if you turn away, they return to the bomber formation.
-AI not going into the enemy base just to be caught by AAA
Maybe some people will not like the enemy just avoiding battle, but how about having 2 settings? Like Realistic AI and Action AI
. (Maybe dreaming here but that would be a nice button for the realism settings, but AAA modders seems to get all dreams in here)
Thats all for now...and from what ive read, this is a top work mod!! Keep up the good work.
Oh, and...
0 = Rookie
4 = Ace