Ta152C new slot/FM (WIP)

Yes Vanir, this is rigth way!


:wink: and 19.5 m^2 wing area up from 18.3 for the in-game version and Fw190 types.

Two primary factors affect the performance of the Ta152C compared to the Fw190D even where fitted with similar engines (say a Jumo 213F or a DB603G). These are the Ta153 wing section which was adopted for all Ta152 types (the Ta153 was an all new design for the original h

md_wild_weasel Wrote:Wow an ott response i think there especially as
[^] "Maturity, and respect for self, the squad, and the IL2 community is a must." Wink

Sorry But I'm still human, and even I can get pushed at some point. But I don't want to invade this thread. I was never against having this in the first place... Apologies if this came out wrong.

Although I'm loving the new cockpit idea too.

Any German speakers around? My German sucks, I speak it far better than I understand what I'm saying.

what is Heizscheben?
schlechtwetterausristung? (spelling may be off there...can't make out some of it)

Projekt update.
It appears there were two phases of planning, during 1943 and after Nov44. Prorities changed somewhat between these times.
Here is the thing, priorities wouldn't have changed in a 1946 campaign setting. Nov44 would be a totally different kettle of fish if you follow Oleg's 1946 campaign events readme.

My idea was for two new TA-C slots, one Ta152C-1/R11 is historical to the letter the second is for Luft-46, Ta152C-3/R11 it is also quite historical and is NOT a "paper-waffe" plane like the Ta183 or Lerche. The one and only reason this plane suits the 1946 campaign only is because the Mk103M motorkanone was not yet in production when the war ended...so it falls under just the same rules as the Me410D mod.
The C-1 did enter production, possibly up to three delivered plus the four prototypes, the C-3 was about to enter production.

These varianten were the result of post Nov44 RLM planning, there were many more. Here's where it gets a little interesting.

During 1943-44 a whole plethora of Ta152C subtypes and variants were planned. The Graf Zeppelin was still under construction...
yes that's right
Ta152C-1/R15 carrier based fighter
(edited, it is a C-1 variant not a C-3, my mistake)

Now I know some of you have the ShipPack2 with the Graf Zeppelin, I do. And I know we don't even have the Me109T and Ju87C yet (SLOW....no wonder you picked this name lol). But it's food for thought. If construction on the Graf was resumed mid44, launched mid45, commissioned early46, that would be just in time to have the Ta152C-3/R15 on its decks for show downs in the Atlantic with the American Essex class and its Corsairs, or the British Illustrious class and its Sea Furies (a nice match up I think, good for game balance). Plus the R14 kit was for torpedo bombing which makes the TA a double threat at sea.

Food for thought. Wouldn't have a clue how to model graphics like a carrier hook personally.

There was also a Ta152C-5 planned which had just 3x Mk103 guns (two in the wing roots). Probably for dedicated ground attack, still working on some translations.
The C-2, C-4 and C-6 variants just had different radio gear (C-2 is to C-1 what the 109G-3 is to 109G-1, etc.). Actual subtypes of the Ta152C were contained in R

vanir Wrote:Any German speakers around? My German sucks, I speak it far better than I understand what I'm saying.

what is Heizscheben?

According to Leo.org dictionary and some spelling adjustment:

Heizscheibe = heatable window pane
schlechtwetter ausr[b]

You guys should get yourself a copy of the JaPo books on the subject. There is all info you need comprised. Plus, for German planes, it is essential to a someone in your team who is a native German speaker, otherwise lots of information contained in reports and diagrams will be lost in translation. Trust me on this.

The 1992 JaPo book on the Fw190D/Ta152 is in Czech language only and sold out. I've heard about another due to be released in the english language, slated for mid2009.
I'm working atm with the Monogram closeup, Dietmar Hermann's book, various individual documents uploaded to the web and the Luftwaffe Experten site. I do have a pretty good collection saved to disk but am still sorting through some of it.

As for German it is not so mysterious. So long as one is aware much can be lost in translation we can do a great deal to avoid it, and double check with people who are native speakers. German is not as far from english as Japanese or even half the other European languages, I've been struggling through okay so far and was used to hearing German around the house when I was a kid, nothing to brag about but honestly it has helped. Of course if you're offering to join the team consider yourself warmly invited.

By all means if you have any points to share about the Ta152C don't hesitate, Zorin. I needed to ask someone about weapons...

JAMF thanks for the translation, that makes perfect sense yes.

Ta-152C SKINS:



My addblock filter list is going to match the size of the pagefile soon, if we keep getting images wider than 1024. Tongue :roll: :wink: :wink:

JAMF - Then get a bigger screen for heaven's (and yours) sake. They're cheap as chips nowadays.

maybe JAMF uses laptop , like me, with 15 inch screen...then big banners wont fit

OK i see, but even that problem can be circumvented. I am writing this from my brother's laptop and he's additionally got a 19" screen with 1440x900 plugged in. Only works for pretty stationary setups i know, but still.

I'm using 1440x900 and 19" and I have to stand at the back of the room to see that screenie, plus it's off the monitor.

I mean I like it, but forum policy is 1024 max dimension or thumbnails for good reason.
Too many screenies that big on a page firstly chews up site bandwidth, secondly chews up ppl's monthly download limits. We pay for this you know.


May be doing these variants in new slots thus far:

Ta152C-0 preproduction prototypes (3 delivered plus one used as engine testbed)
4x MG151/20 without motorkanone
reduced fuel capacity, no external stores
DB603EC motor (C3 fuel)

Ta152C-1/R11 production series (fighter/escort fighter variant, possibly 2 or 3 delivered)
4x MG151/20 and Mk108 motorkanone
optional ETC503 centreline adaptor for bombs and tank, no external stores under wings
DB603LA motor (B4 fuel)

Ta152C-3/R11 planned production (zerst

I love you.

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