
Maico Wrote:
Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I believe to be a loss of time to create maps that inside do not have historical context of IL2 1946.

I suggest the coordinators of the AAA that has the context of the game as basic criterion for approval or not of maps. Some modders has made useless wonderful works and others have created of mods the aberrations. I say this because I believe that the situation this running away to the control


On the other hand I agree with this guy. I am just wondering why my request for the X-wing fighter and the Death Star map have not been completed. Korea was a total waiste of time.
Most of all I agree that if someone does something as a hobby/kindness of thier heart and shares it with a community of people for FREEEE (HELLO!) We should tell them exactly what we want done. While we are at it let me say, if you have not built anything for the community, you have got NO OPINION.

Tie Interceptor in Lerche slot says I 8)

What else are the wizards going to make when everything else is done lol?

I don't see the problem with whats gone on and been released as of late, or ever.
Go as far as to say some of the new maps are essentials. I was excited about KTO.

If anything i think the limits should be pushed farther. Even if its something that might seem a little ridiculous. You have to throw some fun in every once and a while (PE-8 with speed breaks... :rollSmile

GJE52 Wrote:A map of Mars PorcoRosso ?

Now there is an idea..


Wouldn't it just be the perfect place to fly all those Luft46 UFOs ? Mars is where the Go-229s and Lerches belong...



PorcoRosso Wrote:
GJE52 Wrote:A map of Mars PorcoRosso ?

Now there is an idea..


Wouldn't it just be the perfect place to fly all those Luft46 UFOs ? Mars is where the Go-229s and Lerches belong...



What about Jupiter?

Would it be possible to have a map with just clouds, and no land? getting the clouds right would be a pain in itself too.

2000 mph cross winds ....

NathanielGreene Wrote:What about Jupiter?

Would it be possible to have a map with just clouds, and no land? getting the clouds right would be a pain in itself too.

2000 mph cross winds ....


Now, if we can make those mesh runway "carriers" into floating bases, we'd have us a real SF scenario!

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I believe to be a loss of time to create maps that inside do not have historical context of IL2 1946.

I suggest the coordinators of the AAA that has the context of the game as basic criterion for approval or not of maps. Some modders has made useless wonderful works and others have created of mods the aberrations. I say this because I believe that the situation this running away to the control


While I agree that accurate maps with as correct as possible historical elements are good to have and appeal to the max. realism crowd (myself being one), I am in no manner whatsoever going to dismiss "fantasy", "semirealistic" or scaled down maps. On the contrary, this incredible selection of "useless wonderful works", as you snobbishly only show utter contempt, (be they maps, planes, objects, etc.) is what makes the AAA tick. If you don't like them, don't use them - and, at the same time, don't try to force you're own stunted and restricted world view (IMNSHO) on everybody else.

You state it will only lead to anarchy - yeah right - where did you get that idea? As I see it, it will lead to natural selection and an ongoing effort to make better maps, planes, objects, etc. BTW, who do imagine should "approve" maps and by what process? The EU Commission? ...the UN? ...the OIC? Huh? Get real :roll:

I'm looking forward to see your map (which I assume you're working on - got a link?), built to your specifications, of course. It sounds like it will blow everything else here atm. completely away.

Oh, almost forgot - kapteeni, rest assured, your English is much better than what seems to be some sort of jarring Eurospeak or a Google translation performed by Paul De Revue.

C2Aaircrew Wrote:
kapteeni Wrote:
Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.
And the opposite generates Totalitarism and finally destruction. First they burn books and then people.
Whatever...If you dont like modded maps, that is your choise.
And the ones that folks do not use will fall by the wayside. The popular ones will survive, ah capitalism at it's best. Just like watching TV, that is why there are several hundred channels to chose from. If we all liked the same thing this would be a very boring world indeed. Just to reiterate, do not use the ones you do not like. There a few "fictional" maps that I happen to like, use them to make completely "fictional" missions. I am a history buff and I do like things to be as historically accurate as possible, but I like to play around and be absurd also.

BTW. My next map will be the Historically accurate Middle_Earth. Actually in the period of the Second age.
And when you are done, I will bring the Thark Hordes of Jeddak Tars Tarkas from Barsoom and they will be lead by the mighty John Carter, Prince of Helium, Warlord of Mars.

Good night!

Writing in blue is mine.
Take care,

I read all the Martian and Venus series by Edgar Rice Burroughes too.... Confusedhock:

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.

Why is it people who use their freedom to speech to attack others are the first to tell everyone else to shut up?

Paul De Revue Wrote:Gentlemen. I expressed my vision of the facts. If they agree excellent, if they disagree bad luck. What it said was for the good of all. All excess of freedom generates anarchy finally and, destruction.

Bloody thought police is here........
He's telling us what is good for us....don't argue with him :roll:
His vision of what he calls 'the facts' is no doubt the only vision allowed.....

I didn't think you communists were allowed to use the word 'freedom'

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