ME 334

MB-BOB Wrote:I have studied every resource ever published on the Me163. The Me163 was built around the rocket technology that would power it (ie, both plane and rocket motor were developed concurrently).

As a result, there was in truth no Me163 airframe laying around waiting for a rocket motor. Therefore the entire premise for this prop-driven variant (that somehow came before) is completely without merit... and therefore quite fictional.

I don't have problems with "1946" designs that were on the drawing board but not implemented due to the end of the war. IMO, I do have a problem with completely fictional aircraft
This wasn't really a Me-163 predecessor but rather a side-product of the turbojet Me-163 look-a-like project that was being worked on by Lippisch as a future replacement for the Me-163. So it did not come before the 163, but was supposed to replace it and was in reality a little more than a doodle on a piece of paper, as in what if the proposed jet engine is not ready, and in this propeller-driven configuration was never seriously considered for production. Basically the Me-334 was just a concept how to test the future airframe if the said jet engine gets delayed. The whole project was dropped very quickly and Lippisch turned towards P.20 that much closely resembled the Me-163 and utilized as much of its components as possible but with turbojet engine. But this one too was pretty much dead in the water, although it certainly looked promising...

highlander_262 Wrote:334 never flew, it's one of those classic drawing board projects that never went any further

Actually, I personally saw it fly in the summer of 44'.

Go ahead and make it.

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