COMING SOON! English Channel 1940 Final Release

Good news!

All right!
Now with ne toys (british heavies) to play with, this is getting really interesting...

canonuk Wrote:I've been working like crazy on the map, and I can say that the release is definitely within sight!


Great!!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

canonuk Wrote:I've been working like crazy on the map, and I can say ...
no need to say anything Joe, we'll wait all the time you need Smile

Hello Joe..;

Real nice and tremendous work, go on and TAKE YOUR TIME....we'll be waiting.

P.S. Do not believe the guys who tell you that there are as much windmills in France than in the Netherlands.!

Skip these windmills and put "Bar-Tabac" instead,it is going to be much more "couleur locale". Big Grin

Thank You for all your efforts.


madcop Wrote:Skip these windmills and put "Bar-Tabac" instead,it is going to be much more "couleur locale". Big Grin
Mais quel salopard ce mec... quoi que, il a raison :lol:

What a f*ckin' b*stard that guy... but he is right :lol:

gentlemen S!

I have lately come to 1946 mods etc and I have version 1.0 of the Unified installer.
I have a campaign using the English Channel 1940 map, and it is a fantastic map.
However, my first love is QMB.
I have the QMB plus installed which means i can use QMB in many more maps then the stock ones, but unfortunately I don't have a English Channel 1940 map mission in my "Quick" folder ( note NOT Quicks folder )

I understand that to make a QMB scenario I must have such an English Channel 1940 mission in the Quick folder.

Is there one available for download, and if so, from where please.


Yes, there is, a pack at this site, I think by Forager; use the search button for "QMBplus missions" and you'll find all available mission packs

Not me, I have no clue how to make missions.

Sorry, my mistake! I meant to say Reflected

Cgagan and Forager S!

Thank you very much for your assistance. I am now flying QMB over good old Blighty

It's great !


I was re-reading Al Deere

[quote="Stratodog"]I was re-reading Al Deere

The map is finished and has gone to my beta testers - stay tuned!

Computers on standby. alot have been hoping for the day. i beet $10000 its going to be fantastic. (ove corse no1 will take up the bet since it will be.)

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