i just got HSFX instelled and i still like to see UI 1.2.5 out for UI1.2 i have bouth instelled and bouth have there good points and there bad points
some of the aircraft i have on UI1.2 are not on HSFX
HSFX loads faster and has more maps to fly in
but now i need to get all the skins
i will let you know wich one i like better right now im un desided
I'm sure a lot of hard work went into the HSFX mod, but without knowing how to compress the .sfs files for myself, this mod is of no use to me. Compressing the .sfs files is a good idea, but its benefits start to diminish once you start putting your own custom mods back into your mods folder. I have spent a considerable amount of time tailoring my game to get it just where I want it, and putting the mods that I prefer back into my mods folder to overwrite the ones that come with this mod will increase the load times back to where they were to start with.
I am not a big fan of all the new mega packs. This trend of having a 3 or 4 gig download just to add a few aircraft that have not been released as stand-alone mods is becoming a real bore. If having the files compressed back to .sfs format is the new direction that the modding community is going, that's fine. I just think that it would be more useful to have a tutorial on how to compress our own mods to the .sfs format rather than to download mega pack after mega pack. This way your game can be tailored to your own taste rather than having to have your game set up the way someone else tells you it should be.
My (not "first" any more) impressions of HSFX4.1 vs. UI1.1:
I really like the easy install and the JSGME, the fast loading times and the new backgrounds etc. For everything else (sound, textures, flyable planes, reticles...), I try to get the AAA mods back up and running. I can't see any use in TWO effects mods that, when activated, both don't even come NEAR to the great (and FPS-saving!) effects I had with my UI1.1. It just looks boring und uninteresting. Same with sounds - what sense does a sound mod make if it doesn't sound BETTER than the original? And as for the map textures - the maps I really liked to fly on because they looked so lush and nice and springy... they now look very depressing, cold and unrealistic, too.
I understand the idea behind a "standard" mod collection - but shouldn't it be the BEST mods available? I know HSFX is for SEOW, but still... of all the HSFX mods, I only have the History mod activated (because I have to). Almost all others look like crap to me (except for the realistic bomb fusing, the advanced engine management and the atmosphere mods, which I really like but don't use since to me, they seem to give a severe disadvantage on open servers against others not using them).
My conclusion is: I use HSFX because it was chosen as the new unified mod basis. But I would like to see ALL the AAA mods I used so far with UI1.1 as possible options in the JSGME because I would use them ALL against the HSFX ones.