08.01.2011, 10:36
"Semi-historical" skin of a hypothetic BF-109 assigned to the famous "Papagei Staffel" of JV44 (based on Jesters-Ink's template)
As far as I know, the "Papagei Staffel" only flew FW-190 Doras in real life, but the paintscheme is awesome on the 109, too!
The file includes 4 skins: an unmarked one and a fictional "Red 8", both available with and without swastikas. (Political markings are present for historical accuracy only, I do not support the nazi party, and blah blah blah, the usual stuff...)
These skins are optimized for the BF109K series, but they should also fit later G series pretty well.
Download page: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name ... ls&id=6220