[WIP] China Map of Hankow - ver1 ready

Back again, your suggestion (remove the lines under [WATER] in load.ini worked for the Saudi map which is now fully playable (and enjoyable!)

Hi, ag. I have 2 issue found

1. The first bridge over Yanztze river, "WuHan Yanztze river greatness bridge" build from Sep.1955, completed in Oct.1957, before that, not bridge over Yanztze.
so, this map is accurate:
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/chin ... 566099.jpg

There have links for the bridge:
http://images.google.cn/images?source=i ... a=N&tab=wi

and there have two little hill, one name "Gui hill" (Tortoise hill) at HanYang, "She hill"(Snake hill at WuChang), at WuHan Yanztze river greatness bridge 's North and south
[Image: %E6%AD%A6%E6%B1%89.jpg]

2. another is placename , Wuhan include 3 city zone, WuChang, HanKow , HanYang.
North of Yanztze river is HanKow and HanYang, Wuchang at south, HanYang midst of Yanztze river & Han river.

100 years ago, China 1911 Revolution burst in WuChang, Qing Empire, 1644 -1912, game over..[/img]

Nice map to fly! I like muddy water too.
Thanks for this forgotten map. We can fight on China theater now.
Well done.
Big Grin

Easy install and no problems with saving any mission... Big Grin

[Image: Hankow01.jpg]

[Image: Hankow02.jpg]

[Image: Hankow03.jpg]

[Image: Hankow04.jpg]

[Image: Hankow05.jpg]

The above screenshots look like they were flown around 12 noon, which is when the muddy water effect is greatest. I've found that around 15h or 9h is also a good hour of the day to get the brown water color, but then it's a bit less drastically brown ... with hazy weather conditions the landscape is bit softened in outlook too ... it's a bit of a shame that lakes can't keep a more normal blue water color, but there you have the limitations of the game ...

You'll probably find that the mountainous area has its own type of landscape as compared to the valleys in the river plain. I did a few dusk missions and the feeling is greatly enhanced by the oncoming darkness.

2. another is placename , Wuhan include 3 city zone, WuChang, HanKow , HanYang.
North of Yanztze river is HanKow and HanYang, Wuchang at south, HanYang midst of Yanztze river & Han river.

I can't remember how the mapname was chosen, probably because Hankow was a city name more in use amongst western historians. The other city/town names were taken from Google earth and therefore reflect present day names. An inconsistency I'm sure but just a way of getting the map done.

So I guess the Hankow/Wuhan bridge would be another inconsistency in the timeline, but, well it does make a nice target. I postulated a bridge because of the railroad crossing the river, but then again maybe back during WWII trains were ferried over the river in sections ... ?

If there is any real problem with calling the city Hankow, the name can always be changed ...

what do you need inorder for the map to work properly? (Ex: UI 1.1/ 1.2) but rivers and landscape look awsome from the pics!

It would be cool to fly on this map, fighting the japs, and hear someone shouting Wuhan dialect in the radio. :p

well, regarding this map, for such a large city, to increase the authenticity, I think certain landmarks would be important, such as the Yellow Crane Tower, Snake and Turtle Hills, East Lake, Guiyuan Temple, Gu Qin Tai, Qing Chuan Ge, the old Hankow harbor and central train station, the Wuhan Bund, the Hankow Custom Building, Jianghan Lu Road etc. Oops, sounds a little too much, let's hope CHN6 will provide some helping hand, after all, he is a local. :p

Russ_Ace Wrote:what do you need inorder for the map to work properly? (Ex: UI 1.1/ 1.2) but rivers and landscape look awsome from the pics!

You do need virtually every object mod there is I think: dlv_Egypt Objects, dlv_Bridge mod, Cannon's Channel Objects, Fabianfred's Trees .... otherwise install the map and see if it works for you.

agracier Wrote:The above screenshots look like they were flown around 12 noon, which is when the muddy water effect is greatest.

I never fly around noon 'cause everything is too bright then. On several maps some colours are too bright/ fluorescent around noon.
The screenies with the P-40 were made about 9 AM and I "flew" in my I-16 about 3PM.

And yeah, there was no bridge across the Yangtze River during the war.

Hi again, I think this should be reported - an airfield to the east of Hankow/Wuhan. (As always I checked all the airfield, but did not find any other bugs.)

[Image: 0502201022-34-33.jpg]

Got a list started of all to check and repair

agracier Wrote:Got a list started of all to check and repair

And references to these fashions can be laid out ?

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